Statistics & Research about Westford,MA - A & B Insurance Group Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Westford,MA an area served by A & B Insurance Group Llc

Phone : 978-399-0025

Real estate research for area nearby A & B Insurance Group Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lynn 260,900 938 4.3
Plaistow 274,500 1079 4.7
Everett 323,900 1164 4.3
Hampstead 282,500 792 3.4
Wilton 243,300 1003 4.9
Merrimac 317,600 1136 4.3
Swampscott 412,000 1274 3.7
Clinton 259,500 961 4.4
South Lancaster 277,600 828 3.6
Littleton 386,700 1112 3.5

Number of whites in places near by A & B Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of whites
Lynn 55405
Plaistow 7465
Everett 29649
Hampstead 8360
Wilton 3642
Merrimac 6329
Swampscott 13090
Clinton 11851
South Lancaster 1746
Littleton 8370
Bedford 20082
Winchester 18913
New Ipswich 4964
Cambridge 72595
Maynard 9272

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by A & B Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lynn 7425
Plaistow 331
Everett 3238
Hampstead 503
Wilton 210
Merrimac 229
Swampscott 564
Clinton 900
South Lancaster 112
Littleton 321
Bedford 250
Winchester 593
New Ipswich 151
Cambridge 14527
Maynard 568

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by A & B Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lynn 249200
Plaistow 235100
Everett 216100
Hampstead 316200
Wilton 262000
Merrimac 237500
Swampscott 358300
Clinton 256000
Littleton 451700
Bedford 406700
Winchester 792700
New Ipswich 229900
Cambridge 535100
Maynard 310800

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by A & B Insurance Group Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Lynn 273000
Plaistow 266000
Everett 297700
Hampstead 244100
Wilton 214100
Merrimac 39100
Swampscott 449000
Clinton 238400
South Lancaster 270100
Littleton 353000
Bedford 299300
Winchester 612000
New Ipswich 417600
Cambridge 428000
Maynard 316400