Statistics & Research about Quincy,MA - Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Quincy,MA an area served by Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Phone : 617-773-9200

Real estate research for area nearby Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Burlington 414,500 1599 4.6
Hanson 338,300 1009 3.6
Boston 374,700 1265 4.1
Carver 269,100 1547 6.9
Hanover 459,000 916 2.4
Avon 310,500 1131 4.4
Watertown Town 426,000 1420 4
Rockland 282,700 1036 4.4
Lynnfield 546,600 1206 2.6
Foxborough 381,600 1198 3.8

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Burlington 1884
Hanson 530
Boston 94755
Carver 1280
Hanover 712
Avon 394
Watertown Town 6215
Rockland 2314
Lynnfield 694
Foxborough 2259
Norfolk County 66736
Hull 1802
Medford 9028
West Bridgewater 617

Number of new houses in places near by Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Burlington 534100
Boston 376600
Norfolk County 543900

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Burlington 396200
Hanson 339600
Boston 334700
Carver 339600
Hanover 400700
Avon 366700
Watertown Town 440300
Rockland 242400
Lynnfield 620800
Foxborough 360400
Norfolk County 378100
Hull 384600
Medford 374400
West Bridgewater 298100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Albert J Tonry & Company Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Burlington 460
Hanson 200
Boston 8742
Carver 116
Hanover 281
Avon 49
Watertown Town 547
Rockland 312
Lynnfield 310
Foxborough 277
Norfolk County 16759
Hull 407
Medford 1019
West Bridgewater 204