Statistics & Research about Needham,MA - Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Needham,MA an area served by Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Phone : 617-965-1777

Real estate research for area nearby Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Framingham 349,800 1109 3.8
Reading 443,700 1315 3.6
Revere 316,600 1186 4.5
Marlborough 317,100 1062 4.0
Needham 651,300 1433 2.6
Hanover 459,000 916 2.4
Attleboro 284,600 945 4.0
Winthrop Town 356,600 1272 4.3
Norwell 576,800 1291 2.7
Millville 278,200 1054 4.5

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Framingham 344300
Reading 448600
Revere 326200
Marlborough 291300
Needham 663800
Hanover 400700
Attleboro 281700
Winthrop Town 292300
Norwell 516600
Millville 261200
Avon 366700
Ayer 235400
Shrewsbury 313800
Lincoln 968000
Bridgewater 319000

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Framingham 1082
Reading 411
Revere 754
Marlborough 548
Needham 1223
Hanover 281
Attleboro 729
Winthrop Town 585
Norwell 433
Millville 58
Avon 49
Ayer 78
Shrewsbury 696
Lincoln 313
Bridgewater 251

Number of blacks in places near by Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Framingham 5733
Reading 281
Revere 1814
Marlborough 1155
Needham 672
Hanover 51
Attleboro 1816
Winthrop Town 219
Norwell 68
Millville 52
Avon 528
Ayer 325
Shrewsbury 781
Lincoln 218
Bridgewater 1516

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Bridge Insurance Associates Llc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Framingham 4681
Reading 2426
Revere 1774
Marlborough 3198
Needham 3398
Hanover 1530
Attleboro 2506
Winthrop Town 988
Norwell 1224
Millville 255
Avon 386
Ayer 400
Shrewsbury 3241
Lincoln 744
Bridgewater 1739