Statistics & Research about West Boylston,MA - C Lee Williams & Associates

Here are some statistics & research about West Boylston,MA an area served by C Lee Williams & Associates

Phone : 508-835-3877

Real estate research for area nearby C Lee Williams & Associates

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Millis 366,000 1222 4.0
Ware 200,400 741 4.4
Bedford 528,700 1492 3.4
Sudbury 626,600 597 1.1
Littleton 386,700 1112 3.5
Northborough 371,700 1129 3.6
Uxbridge 298,200 962 3.9
Dudley 251,200 851 4.1
Franklin Town 387,100 1127 3.5
Tyngsborough 359,100 1008 3.4

Number of new houses in places near by C Lee Williams & Associates

Place name Number of new houses
Bedford 1000001
Tyngsborough 225000

Number of vacant houses in places near by C Lee Williams & Associates

Place name Number of vacant houses
Millis 15
Ware 300
Bedford 262
Sudbury 256
Littleton 189
Northborough 206
Uxbridge 172
Dudley 256
Franklin Town 336
Tyngsborough 137
Lincoln 299
Webster 816
Medway 253
West Concord 23
Rindge 400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by C Lee Williams & Associates

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Millis 1008
Ware 1943
Bedford 1635
Sudbury 1764
Littleton 1495
Northborough 2166
Uxbridge 2008
Dudley 2074
Franklin Town 3516
Tyngsborough 1869
Lincoln 675
Webster 3404
Medway 1534
West Concord 632
Rindge 1053

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by C Lee Williams & Associates

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Millis 428300
Ware 292400
Bedford 671200
Sudbury 890800
Littleton 496900
Northborough 525800
Uxbridge 347700
Dudley 282000
Franklin Town 477600
Tyngsborough 435300
Lincoln 370000
Webster 260900
Medway 467700
West Concord 818500
Rindge 266400