Statistics & Research about Sudbury,MA - Coach Road Ins Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Sudbury,MA an area served by Coach Road Ins Agency

Phone : 978-443-9912

Real estate research for area nearby Coach Road Ins Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lynnfield 546,600 1206 2.6
Ashland 353,900 1198 4.1
Waltham 408,700 1327 3.9
Avon 310,500 1131 4.4
Natick 429,200 1233 3.4
Middleton 424,300 1189 3.4
Salem 289,700 1031 4.3
Sherborn 721,100 2001 3.3
Weymouth Town 321,500 1111 4.1
Tyngsborough 359,100 1008 3.4

Number of old houses in places near by Coach Road Ins Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Lynnfield 447500
Ashland 292300
Waltham 386400
Avon 322900
Natick 419500
Middleton 349700
Salem 269300
Sherborn 709300
Weymouth Town 305400
Tyngsborough 293500
Cumberland Hill 222700
Holbrook 298400
Plainville 303500
Billerica 299000
Lynn 250900

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Coach Road Ins Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lynnfield 1000001
Ashland 460400
Waltham 410200
Avon 490900
Natick 646800
Middleton 488300
Salem 390300
Sherborn 1000001
Weymouth Town 503300
Tyngsborough 421500
Cumberland Hill 272100
Holbrook 334200
Plainville 457400
Billerica 360100
Lynn 320300

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Coach Road Ins Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Lynnfield 802600
Ashland 483800
Waltham 503300
Avon 270000
Natick 668400
Middleton 668200
Salem 383100
Sherborn 782000
Weymouth Town 448000
Tyngsborough 435300
Cumberland Hill 287400
Holbrook 325800
Plainville 413100
Billerica 403700
Lynn 312500

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Coach Road Ins Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Lynnfield 1682
Ashland 1684
Waltham 2275
Avon 386
Natick 3121
Middleton 721
Salem 1976
Sherborn 745
Weymouth Town 3166
Tyngsborough 866
Cumberland Hill 528
Holbrook 556
Plainville 819
Billerica 2768
Lynn 3132