Statistics & Research about Bolton,MA - D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Bolton,MA an area served by D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Phone : 978-779-5566

Real estate research for area nearby D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cordaville 438100 NA NA
Millis 366,000 1222 4.0
East Brookfield 236,100 942 4.8
Pelham 318,200 954 3.6
Needham 651,300 1433 2.6
Worcester County 267,600 900 4.0
Mason 285,700 1292 5.4
Uxbridge 298,200 962 3.9
Boxborough 504,800 950 2.3
West Concord 547,500 1689 3.7

Number of old houses in places near by D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Cordaville 383300
Millis 365000
East Brookfield 264400
Pelham 235500
Needham 642600
Worcester County 233700
Mason 234200
Uxbridge 252900
Boxborough 388900
West Concord 579800
Mendon 215700
Gardner 175600
Lincoln 1000001
Lexington 665000
Sutton 323600

Number of vacant houses in places near by D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of vacant houses
Cordaville 60
Millis 15
East Brookfield 118
Pelham 125
Needham 453
Worcester County 26995
Mason 63
Uxbridge 172
Boxborough 60
West Concord 23
Mendon 102
Gardner 911
Lincoln 299
Lexington 621
Sutton 115

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Cordaville 639800
Millis 288400
East Brookfield 219800
Pelham 327900
Needham 584200
Worcester County 280200
Mason 284700
Uxbridge 299700
Boxborough 584300
West Concord 616400
Mendon 365600
Gardner 200600
Lincoln 625000
Lexington 925500
Sutton 377200

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by D Francis Murphy Insurance Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Cordaville 9
Millis 184
East Brookfield 63
Pelham 154
Needham 695
Worcester County 39545
Mason 15
Uxbridge 417
Boxborough 255
West Concord 161
Mendon 45
Gardner 1487
Lincoln 142
Lexington 640
Sutton 95