Statistics & Research about Shrewsbury,MA - Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Shrewsbury,MA an area served by Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Phone : 508-842-3300

Car dealers nearby Dennis P Molinari Insurance

R. C. Olsen Cadillac, Inc.

Phone: (781) 897-1141

Mercedes-Benz Of Shrewsbury

Mercedes-Benz of Shrewsbury ,760 Boston Turnpike Road , Shrewsbury,MA , 01545 ,Sales: (888) 639-6605,Service: 508-581-5690,Parts: 508-581-5680
Phone: (888) 639-6605

Real estate research for area nearby Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Barre 227,100 798 4.2
Chepachet 244,900 503 2.5
Harmony 264700 NA NA
Smithfield 282,300 951 4.0
Devens 292,900 2001 8.2
Webster 236,700 799 4.1
Auburn 250,300 860 4.1
North Smithfield 296,000 932 3.8
Spencer 255,400 817 3.8
South Ashburnham 204100 NA NA

Number of whites in places near by Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Barre 5306
Chepachet 1317
Harmony 1218
Smithfield 20212
Devens 1123
Webster 14995
Auburn 15570
North Smithfield 11509
Spencer 11107
South Ashburnham 858
Cochituate 5709
Bolton 4624
Ashland 14900
North Grosvenor Dale 1600
Northbridge 15053

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Barre 242400
Chepachet 245800
Smithfield 428300
Webster 313700
Auburn 358400
North Smithfield 396500
Spencer 312200
Cochituate 712500
Bolton 709100
Ashland 460400
Northbridge 402600

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Dennis P Molinari Insurance

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Barre 1132
Chepachet 265
Harmony 188
Smithfield 2990
Devens 81
Webster 3404
Auburn 3100
North Smithfield 2047
Spencer 1946
South Ashburnham 86
Cochituate 1099
Bolton 463
Ashland 1880
North Grosvenor Dale 329
Northbridge 2677