Statistics & Research about Ashland,MA - G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Ashland,MA an area served by G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Phone : 508-881-6680

Car dealers nearby G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Good Works Auto Sales


Real estate research for area nearby G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hudson 309,300 1117 4.3
Pawtucket 201,300 811 4.8
Dedham 374,700 1432 4.6
Greenville 281,000 1117 4.8
Hopkinton 510,000 1176 2.8
Attleboro 284,600 945 4.0
Woonsocket 197,900 768 4.7
Bolton 503,600 977 2.3
Northbridge 288,700 897 3.7
West Bridgewater 309,200 890 3.5

Number of old houses in places near by G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Hudson 291800
Pawtucket 213500
Dedham 372600
Greenville 266400
Hopkinton 386100
Attleboro 255000
Woonsocket 191300
Bolton 417100
Northbridge 244300
West Bridgewater 294700
Westborough 367300
Glocester 241200
Milton 486800
North Seekonk 258300
Oakham 265900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hudson 174
Pawtucket 611
Dedham 560
Greenville 140
Hopkinton 280
Attleboro 729
Woonsocket 472
Bolton 143
Northbridge 267
West Bridgewater 204
Westborough 457
Glocester 156
Milton 1099
North Seekonk 26
Oakham 24

Number of blacks in places near by G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Hudson 132
Pawtucket 11953
Dedham 1253
Greenville 110
Hopkinton 3
Attleboro 1816
Woonsocket 2574
Bolton 9
Northbridge 62
West Bridgewater 335
Westborough 530
Glocester 49
Milton 3591
North Seekonk 63

Number of new houses in places near by G M Abodeely Ins Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Hopkinton 194400