Statistics & Research about Whitinsville,MA - Gaudette Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Whitinsville,MA an area served by Gaudette Insurance Agency

Phone : 508-234-6333

Real estate research for area nearby Gaudette Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Quinebaug 246,600 934 4.5
Stow 438,600 1452 4.0
Moosup 178,400 916 6.2
North Seekonk 271,700 1566 6.9
East Brookfield 236,100 942 4.8
Brookfield 207,300 714 4.1
Upton 404,600 957 2.8
Wales 220,300 702 3.8
Norwood 378,900 1211 3.8
Central Falls 185,300 790 5.1

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Gaudette Insurance Agency

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Quinebaug 209
Stow 397
Moosup 395
North Seekonk 251
East Brookfield 217
Brookfield 402
Upton 355
Wales 247
Norwood 3969
Central Falls 2463
Holliston 628
Norfolk 319
Holland 480
Union 140
Boxborough 490

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Gaudette Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Quinebaug 68200
Stow 385500
Moosup 184600
North Seekonk 237800
East Brookfield 173600
Brookfield 320000
Upton 343800
Wales 158000
Norwood 414000
Central Falls 265400
Holliston 345000
Norfolk 386700
Holland 170600
Union 214600
Boxborough 471100

Number of blacks in places near by Gaudette Insurance Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Stow 26
North Seekonk 63
East Brookfield 21
Upton 16
Wales 9
Norwood 792
Central Falls 3248
Holliston 125
Norfolk 696
Holland 38
Boxborough 37

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Gaudette Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Quinebaug 277800
Stow 541400
Moosup 168000
East Brookfield 342100
Brookfield 338500
Upton 525300
Wales 272700
Norwood 349600
Central Falls 162800
Holliston 649000
Norfolk 562100
Holland 293200
Union 348000
Boxborough 701400