Statistics & Research about Wellesley,MA - Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Wellesley,MA an area served by Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Phone : 781-235-0087

Real estate research for area nearby Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Waltham 408,700 1327 3.9
Wenham 586,000 625 1.3
East Douglas 248,400 997 4.8
Chelmsford 342,800 1136 4.0
Sterling 330,700 978 3.5
Lynn 260,900 938 4.3
Maynard 333,000 1036 3.7
North Seekonk 271,700 1566 6.9
Plainville 337,900 1107 3.9
Stoneham 399,100 1204 3.6

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Waltham 8121
Wenham 177
East Douglas 295
Chelmsford 3487
Sterling 484
Lynn 12169
Maynard 1182
North Seekonk 251
Plainville 879
Stoneham 2675
Upton 355
Lincoln 2573
Chelsea 4168
Westwood 773
Pelham 838

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Waltham 5692
Wenham 98
East Douglas 139
Chelmsford 1055
Sterling 102
Lynn 7425
Maynard 568
North Seekonk 12
Plainville 441
Stoneham 1599
Upton 102
Lincoln 1104
Chelsea 2250
Westwood 510
Pelham 154

Number of vacant houses in places near by Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Waltham 1855
Wenham 96
East Douglas 28
Chelmsford 335
Sterling 81
Lynn 2576
Maynard 124
North Seekonk 84
Plainville 135
Stoneham 587
Upton 212
Lincoln 535
Chelsea 963
Westwood 57
Pelham 125

Number of blacks in places near by Hoffman Ins Services Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Waltham 3180
Wenham 55
Chelmsford 113
Sterling 82
Lynn 11554
Maynard 30
North Seekonk 63
Plainville 73
Stoneham 324
Upton 16
Lincoln 720
Chelsea 2339
Westwood 122
Pelham 79