Statistics & Research about Salem,MA - John J Walsh Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Salem,MA an area served by John J Walsh Insurance

Phone : 978-745-3300

Real estate research for area nearby John J Walsh Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Newbury 463,200 1164 3.0
Andover 546,500 1068 2.3
North Pembroke 352,200 1380 4.7
Saugus 355,200 1070 3.6
Sudbury 626,600 597 1.1
Essex 495,800 1120 2.7
Randolph 279,800 1202 5.2
Watertown Town 426,000 1420 4
Norwell 576,800 1291 2.7
Seabrook Beach 589,800 1125 2.3

Number of whites in places near by John J Walsh Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Newbury 6524
Andover 28293
North Pembroke 2943
Saugus 24713
Sudbury 15651
Essex 3381
Randolph 12997
Watertown Town 27289
Norwell 10111
Seabrook Beach 1306
Boxford 7782
Billerica 37199
Hull 9844
Stoneham 19517
Kensington 2102

Number of old houses in places near by John J Walsh Insurance

Place name Number of old houses
Newbury 471000
Andover 477100
North Pembroke 621200
Saugus 340500
Sudbury 618500
Essex 459400
Randolph 262800
Watertown Town 463300
Norwell 589500
Boxford 503600
Billerica 299000
Hull 377500
Stoneham 381600
Kensington 357100

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by John J Walsh Insurance

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Newbury 360
Andover 1414
North Pembroke 260
Saugus 1478
Sudbury 174
Essex 276
Randolph 1354
Watertown Town 2339
Norwell 190
Seabrook Beach 17
Boxford 39
Billerica 920
Hull 501
Stoneham 1599
Kensington 26

Number of blacks in places near by John J Walsh Insurance

Place name Number of blacks
Newbury 98
Andover 418
North Pembroke 194
Saugus 345
Sudbury 119
Essex 11
Randolph 13787
Watertown Town 1393
Norwell 68
Billerica 508
Hull 112
Stoneham 324