Statistics & Research about Lynnfield,MA - Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lynnfield,MA an area served by Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 781-224-0909

Real estate research for area nearby Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Essex County 354,700 1026 3.5
Norwell 576,800 1291 2.7
Dunstable 436,700 900 2.5
Waltham 408,700 1327 3.9
Salisbury 324,600 992 3.7
Arlington 490,200 1324 3.2
Dedham 374,700 1432 4.6
Watertown Town 426,000 1420 4
Medfield 574,700 924 1.9

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Essex County 105974
Norwell 1316
Dunstable 545
Waltham 7673
Salisbury 1743
Arlington 6152
Dedham 3794
Watertown Town 4174
Medfield 1142
Londonderry 3212
Cohasset 1153
Marlborough 4605
Cochituate 1099
Gloucester 4749

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Essex County 367300
Norwell 516600
Dunstable 413000
Waltham 405400
Salisbury 331700
Arlington 483300
Dedham 392500
Watertown Town 440300
Medfield 496000
Londonderry 204400
Cohasset 790900
Marlborough 291300
Cochituate 650300
Gloucester 380800

Number of new houses in places near by Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Essex County 531600
Norwell 693200
Waltham 596400
Londonderry 363200

Number of blacks in places near by Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Essex County 26816
Norwell 68
Waltham 3180
Salisbury 42
Arlington 1279
Dedham 1253
Watertown Town 1393
Medfield 52
Londonderry 164
Cohasset 5
Marlborough 1155
Cochituate 83
Gloucester 276