Statistics & Research about Sherborn,MA - Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Sherborn,MA an area served by Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

27 North Main St

Real estate research for area nearby Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lunenburg 292,300 859 3.5
Hanson 338,300 1009 3.6
Harrisville 237,600 912 4.6
Waltham 408,700 1327 3.9
Weymouth Town 321,500 1111 4.1
Pascoag 229,500 863 4.5
West Bridgewater 309,200 890 3.5
Easton 375,400 1218 3.9
Whitman 292,400 1026 4.2
Worcester County 267,600 900 4.0

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Lunenburg 1074
Hanson 530
Harrisville 336
Waltham 8121
Weymouth Town 6550
Pascoag 528
West Bridgewater 617
Easton 1738
Whitman 1368
Worcester County 88834
Milford 3323
Millis 802
Central Falls 2463
Quincy 14967
Everett 5394

Number of old houses in places near by Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Place name Number of old houses
Lunenburg 276600
Hanson 287200
Harrisville 261700
Waltham 386400
Weymouth Town 305400
Pascoag 229700
West Bridgewater 294700
Easton 358000
Whitman 288200
Worcester County 233700
Milford 272100
Millis 365000
Central Falls 185400
Quincy 355100
Everett 329400

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lunenburg 299800
Hanson 379000
Harrisville 185600
Waltham 425700
Weymouth Town 272900
Pascoag 106300
West Bridgewater 147200
Easton 329800
Whitman 303200
Worcester County 280200
Milford 321200
Millis 288400
Central Falls 198800
Quincy 251400
Everett 216100

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Mckenzie Risk Advisers, Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Lunenburg 233
Hanson 200
Harrisville 17
Waltham 769
Weymouth Town 799
Pascoag 121
West Bridgewater 204
Easton 416
Whitman 183
Worcester County 12264
Milford 405
Millis 149
Central Falls 141
Quincy 1000
Everett 933