Statistics & Research about Chelsea,MA - Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Chelsea,MA an area served by Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Phone : 617-884-5480

Car dealers nearby Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Auto Connection

Phone: (617) 884-8888

Real estate research for area nearby Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Marshfield 400,900 1211 3.6
Waltham 408,700 1327 3.9
Rockland 282,700 1036 4.4
Everett 323,900 1164 4.3
Boxborough 504,800 950 2.3
Bolton 503,600 977 2.3
Abington 325,600 1141 4.2
Tyngsborough 359,100 1008 3.4
Manchester-by-the-Sea 813,800 1295 1.9
Easton 375,400 1218 3.9

Number of old houses in places near by Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Place name Number of old houses
Marshfield 439100
Waltham 386400
Rockland 304300
Everett 329400
Boxborough 388900
Bolton 417100
Abington 309800
Tyngsborough 293500
Manchester-by-the-Sea 880200
Easton 358000
Georgetown 352400
Marlborough 292800
Hull 377500
Newbury 471000
Hudson 291800

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Marshfield 445200
Waltham 425700
Rockland 204900
Everett 216100
Boxborough 584300
Bolton 508800
Abington 367500
Tyngsborough 349800
Manchester-by-the-Sea 849000
Easton 329800
Georgetown 431700
Marlborough 331900
Hull 288800
Newbury 488100
Hudson 278800

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Marshfield 506
Waltham 769
Rockland 312
Everett 933
Boxborough 70
Bolton 143
Abington 309
Tyngsborough 80
Manchester-by-the-Sea 464
Easton 416
Georgetown 98
Marlborough 548
Hull 407
Newbury 178
Hudson 174

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Metro Boston Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Marshfield 531800
Waltham 503300
Rockland 323400
Everett 425000
Boxborough 662800
Bolton 576200
Abington 456500
Tyngsborough 435300
Manchester-by-the-Sea 684800
Easton 518200
Georgetown 503600
Marlborough 429800
Hull 434800
Newbury 584300
Hudson 491400