Statistics & Research about Wrentham,MA - Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Wrentham,MA an area served by Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Phone : 781-762-7300

Real estate research for area nearby Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cochituate 521,400 1145 2.6
Hanover 459,000 916 2.4
Lexington 689,100 1898 3.3
Boylston 373,800 925 3.0
Burrillville 255,500 858 4.0
Brockton 237,300 1022 5.2
Norfolk 451,400 877 2.3
Middleborough Center 286,300 1014 4.3
Norfolk County 393,000 1246 3.8
Sharon 455,500 1493 3.9

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Cochituate 712500
Hanover 661400
Lexington 1000001
Boylston 598500
Burrillville 349200
Brockton 286700
Norfolk 562100
Middleborough Center 234800
Norfolk County 550100
Sharon 573800
Quinebaug 277800
Plympton 418200
Fall River 277500
Sherborn 1000001
Cumberland 308900

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Cochituate 103
Hanover 281
Lexington 1714
Boylston 125
Burrillville 255
Brockton 1432
Norfolk 210
Middleborough Center 79
Norfolk County 16759
Sharon 513
Quinebaug 52
Plympton 97
Fall River 1078
Sherborn 246
Cumberland 376

Number of blacks in places near by Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Place name Number of blacks
Cochituate 83
Hanover 51
Lexington 353
Boylston 10
Burrillville 61
Brockton 34646
Norfolk 696
Middleborough Center 75
Norfolk County 39518
Sharon 1002
Fall River 2855
Cumberland 286

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Morrill Ins Agcy Llc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cochituate 597800
Hanover 612700
Lexington 819300
Boylston 544800
Burrillville 295200
Brockton 279000
Norfolk 477500
Middleborough Center 265800
Norfolk County 482300
Sharon 613600
Quinebaug 227900
Plympton 432500
Fall River 278700
Sherborn 782000
Cumberland 358700