Statistics & Research about Reading,MA - Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Reading,MA an area served by Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Phone : (781) 942-2225

Real estate research for area nearby Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cambridge 545,800 1585 3.5
Weston 1,000,001 1698 2.0
Wayland 604,500 1019 2.0
Andover 546,500 1068 2.3
Cochituate 521,400 1145 2.6
East Kingston 331,800 1421 5.1
Boston 374,700 1265 4.1
Melrose 419,700 1097 3.1
Tewksbury 333,700 1386 5.0
Malden 333,000 1211 4.4

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Cambridge 3444
Weston 1454
Wayland 1712
Andover 4886
Cochituate 737
East Kingston 241
Boston 21034
Melrose 2017
Tewksbury 2274
Malden 2305
Essex County 49486
Westford 2940
Winchester 2096
Boxborough 712
Rockport 678

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Cambridge 1749
Weston 873
Wayland 456
Andover 950
Cochituate 103
East Kingston 21
Boston 8742
Melrose 619
Tewksbury 244
Malden 1193
Essex County 13502
Westford 302
Winchester 1194
Boxborough 70
Rockport 145

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Cambridge 428000
Weston 1000001
Wayland 694900
Andover 520100
Cochituate 650300
East Kingston 274200
Boston 334700
Melrose 410400
Tewksbury 342100
Malden 311300
Essex County 367300
Westford 377800
Winchester 612000
Boxborough 471100
Rockport 487000

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Multi Serve Insurance Agency

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cambridge 536500
Weston 1000001
Wayland 746600
Andover 799500
Cochituate 597800
East Kingston 369700
Boston 376300
Melrose 486500
Tewksbury 393800
Malden 402800
Essex County 453900
Westford 594500
Winchester 823200
Boxborough 662800
Rockport 747100