Statistics & Research about Northborough,MA - Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Northborough,MA an area served by Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Phone : 508-393-2455

Car dealers nearby Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Barrys Auto Sales, Inc.

Phone: (508) 439-9325

Real estate research for area nearby Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Fiskdale 256,400 721 3.4
North Brookfield 224,500 810 4.3
Millbury 276,700 938 4.1
Harrisville 237,600 912 4.6
Wayland 604,500 1019 2.0
Littleton Common 343,300 471 1.6
Sherborn 721,100 2001 3.3
Princeton 367,900 1127 3.7
West Brookfield 247,800 798 3.9
Plainville 337,900 1107 3.9

Number of new houses in places near by Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of new houses
Hopkinton 194400

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Fiskdale 193400
North Brookfield 167400
Millbury 258100
Wayland 694900
Littleton Common 339700
Sherborn 687500
Princeton 350000
West Brookfield 216800
Plainville 326500
Hopkinton 328900
Lunenburg 282900
Thompson 215200
Uxbridge 262300
Foxborough 360400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Fiskdale 398
North Brookfield 785
Millbury 2376
Harrisville 309
Wayland 1883
Littleton Common 591
Sherborn 245
Princeton 665
West Brookfield 755
Plainville 1183
Hopkinton 1406
Lunenburg 1799
Thompson 1896
Uxbridge 2008
Foxborough 1883

Number of blacks in places near by Northwood Eshbaugh Insurance Agcy Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Fiskdale 3
North Brookfield 50
Millbury 104
Harrisville 14
Wayland 87
Princeton 78
West Brookfield 96
Plainville 73
Hopkinton 3
Lunenburg 149
Thompson 42
Uxbridge 93
Foxborough 256