Statistics & Research about Revere,MA - Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Revere,MA an area served by Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Phone : 781-284-8783

Real estate research for area nearby Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Littleton Common 343,300 471 1.6
Swampscott 412,000 1274 3.7
Hanover 459,000 916 2.4
Lawrence 230,400 980 5.1
Hingham 637,600 1724 3.2
Sudbury 626,600 597 1.1
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 346,200 1398 4.8
Lynnfield 546,600 1206 2.6
Halifax 312,800 1229 4.7
Cohasset 761,000 1117 1.8

Number of old houses in places near by Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Littleton Common 288600
Swampscott 416600
Hanover 426800
Lawrence 224300
Hingham 622500
Sudbury 618500
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 413900
Lynnfield 447500
Halifax 326500
Cohasset 752000
Reading 425200
Cambridge 572800
Mansfield Center 302800
Tewksbury 280300
Malden 346800

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Littleton Common 165
Swampscott 564
Hanover 386
Lawrence 4260
Hingham 1219
Sudbury 174
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 126
Lynnfield 212
Halifax 182
Cohasset 196
Reading 882
Cambridge 14527
Mansfield Center 438
Tewksbury 709
Malden 4747

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Swampscott 393
Hanover 281
Lawrence 720
Hingham 602
Sudbury 730
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 84
Lynnfield 310
Halifax 24
Cohasset 307
Reading 411
Cambridge 1749
Mansfield Center 176
Tewksbury 244
Malden 1193

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Peter Lattanzi Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Littleton Common 429400
Swampscott 494000
Hanover 612700
Lawrence 283300
Hingham 778800
Sudbury 890800
Ocean Bluff-Brant Rock 410700
Lynnfield 802600
Halifax 397900
Cohasset 729800
Reading 563000
Cambridge 536500
Mansfield Center 361000
Tewksbury 393800
Malden 402800