Statistics & Research about Plainville,MA - Pope Insurance

Here are some statistics & research about Plainville,MA an area served by Pope Insurance

Phone : 508-695-7938

Real estate research for area nearby Pope Insurance

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Cumberland Hill 250,700 642 3.1
Lincoln 281,500 866 3.7
Foster 295,700 814 3.3
Millis-Clicquot 341,700 1127 4.0
Halifax 312,800 1229 4.7
Suffolk County 362,600 1251 4.1
Walpole 400,500 1206 3.6
Berkley 350,300 1675 5.7
Norwell 576,800 1291 2.7
Pawtucket 201,300 811 4.8

Number of whites in places near by Pope Insurance

Place name Number of whites
Cumberland Hill 8122
Lincoln 19275
Foster 4283
Millis-Clicquot 4048
Halifax 7129
Suffolk County 406050
Walpole 22414
Berkley 6223
Norwell 10111
Pawtucket 47787
East Bridgewater 13496
East Douglas 2412
Kent County 155004
Foxborough 15881
Brockton 46685

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Pope Insurance

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Cumberland Hill 272100
Lincoln 394700
Foster 319600
Millis-Clicquot 475000
Halifax 555900
Suffolk County 434500
Walpole 679600
Berkley 383800
Norwell 744800
Pawtucket 230600
East Bridgewater 378100
Kent County 337300
Foxborough 603500
Brockton 286700

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Pope Insurance

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Cumberland Hill 528
Lincoln 1409
Foster 297
Millis-Clicquot 354
Halifax 590
Suffolk County 25041
Walpole 2398
Berkley 352
Norwell 1224
Pawtucket 2544
East Bridgewater 1051
East Douglas 229
Kent County 9592
Foxborough 1614
Brockton 3928

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Pope Insurance

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Cumberland Hill 287400
Lincoln 363800
Foster 344200
Millis-Clicquot 377300
Halifax 397900
Suffolk County 363300
Walpole 552200
Berkley 374600
Norwell 819400
Pawtucket 185400
East Bridgewater 352600
East Douglas 265900
Kent County 296100
Foxborough 416300
Brockton 279000