Statistics & Research about Waltham,MA - Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Waltham,MA an area served by Ragsdale Insurance Inc

230 2ND AVE
Phone : (781) 893-3200

Real estate research for area nearby Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Lincoln 837,200 2001 2.9
Shrewsbury 363,700 1184 3.9
Brockton 237,300 1022 5.2
Lowell 234,200 952 4.9
Boston 374,700 1265 4.1
Sherborn 721,100 2001 3.3
West Boylston 277,100 888 3.8
Sudbury 626,600 597 1.1
Medfield 574,700 924 1.9
Wayland 604,500 1019 2.0

Number of vacant houses in places near by Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Lincoln 299
Shrewsbury 778
Brockton 3077
Lowell 4123
Boston 23883
Sherborn 24
West Boylston 74
Sudbury 256
Medfield 248
Wayland 230
Foxborough 206
Malden 1457
Tewksbury 488
Holbrook 151
Melrose 469

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
Lincoln 625000
Shrewsbury 410900
Brockton 249100
Lowell 190600
Boston 333600
Sherborn 829500
West Boylston 349600
Sudbury 819400
Medfield 691600
Wayland 671400
Foxborough 464500
Malden 247700
Tewksbury 316000
Holbrook 225400
Melrose 360700

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Lincoln 142
Shrewsbury 1603
Brockton 5223
Lowell 7537
Boston 69379
Sherborn 46
West Boylston 294
Sudbury 174
Medfield 310
Wayland 374
Foxborough 635
Malden 4747
Tewksbury 709
Holbrook 504
Melrose 2359

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Ragsdale Insurance Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Lincoln 723200
Shrewsbury 485600
Brockton 286700
Lowell 246300
Boston 456200
Sherborn 1000001
West Boylston 292300
Sudbury 752800
Medfield 954500
Wayland 927500
Foxborough 603500
Malden 305000
Tewksbury 369400
Holbrook 334200
Melrose 337900