Statistics & Research about Lexington,MA - Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Lexington,MA an area served by Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Phone : 781-861-1800

Real estate research for area nearby Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Pelham 318,200 954 3.6
Atkinson 299,400 921 3.7
Cohasset 761,000 1117 1.8
Norfolk County 393,000 1246 3.8
Marlborough 317,100 1062 4.0
Winthrop Town 356,600 1272 4.3
Medford 385,500 1379 4.3
Ipswich 426,500 1073 3.0
Cambridge 545,800 1585 3.5
Upton 404,600 957 2.8

Number of old houses in places near by Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of old houses
Pelham 235500
Atkinson 310500
Cohasset 752000
Norfolk County 399900
Marlborough 292800
Winthrop Town 370900
Medford 393200
Ipswich 382300
Cambridge 572800
Upton 341700
Chelmsford 330600
Middlesex County 420000
Bedford 507100
Bolton 417100
Pinehurst 303400

Number of vacant houses in places near by Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Pelham 125
Atkinson 160
Cohasset 233
Norfolk County 13097
Marlborough 1062
Winthrop Town 661
Medford 1193
Ipswich 418
Cambridge 3191
Upton 212
Chelmsford 335
Middlesex County 32129
Bedford 262
Bolton 75
Pinehurst 36

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Pelham 274900
Atkinson 283200
Cohasset 790900
Norfolk County 378100
Marlborough 291300
Winthrop Town 292300
Medford 374400
Ipswich 429100
Cambridge 428000
Upton 343800
Chelmsford 358700
Middlesex County 376300
Bedford 566400
Bolton 370700
Pinehurst 356400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Tonry Northwest Ins Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Pelham 1175
Atkinson 535
Cohasset 1167
Norfolk County 54729
Marlborough 3198
Winthrop Town 988
Medford 2668
Ipswich 917
Cambridge 3444
Upton 1094
Chelmsford 3265
Middlesex County 107733
Bedford 1302
Bolton 877
Pinehurst 456