Statistics & Research about Leominster,MA - Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Leominster,MA an area served by Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Phone : 978-840-8700

Car dealers nearby Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Lahtis Jeep

Phone: (978) 537-6466

Real estate research for area nearby Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
West Boylston 277,100 888 3.8
Milford 258,500 1078 5.0
Harvard 607,600 1478 2.9
Holden 281,300 821 3.5
Temple 298,200 1149 4.6
Stow 438,600 1452 4.0
Sudbury 626,600 597 1.1
Worcester 226,200 903 4.8
North Brookfield 224,500 810 4.3
Cordaville 438100 NA NA

Number of 30 Year old houses in places near by Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 30 year old houses
West Boylston 349600
Milford 258400
Harvard 668700
Holden 318500
Temple 234900
Stow 513200
Sudbury 819400
Worcester 213300
North Brookfield 235900
Cordaville 639800
Spencer 265800
Royalston 202400
Princeton 423900
Mason 284700
Orange 142300

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
West Boylston 944
Milford 2259
Harvard 759
Holden 2873
Temple 312
Stow 963
Sudbury 1764
Worcester 29672
North Brookfield 785
Cordaville 333
Spencer 1946
Royalston 224
Princeton 665
Mason 290
Orange 1123

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
West Boylston 321100
Milford 218000
Harvard 567900
Holden 267700
Temple 226700
Stow 385500
Sudbury 570200
Worcester 229600
North Brookfield 167400
Cordaville 297400
Spencer 264200
Royalston 143100
Princeton 350000
Mason 300000
Orange 159400

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Woodcome Insurance Agency Inc

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
West Boylston 508
Milford 964
Harvard 841
Holden 1847
Temple 116
Stow 934
Sudbury 2748
Worcester 7003
North Brookfield 306
Cordaville 374
Spencer 768
Royalston 73
Princeton 297
Mason 86
Orange 531